Friday, May 20, 2011

Fighting Lupus

So I woke up this morning with the worst rash on my face since being diagnosed.  I feel like I have hit bottome and now its time to change!!  Bought the book "The Lupus Recovery Diet" by Jill Harrington.  Found it interesting and enlightening.  So I will be doing what she did.  I plan on monitoring my progress. Today I weigh 2**, can't be in the sun at all, even to walk my dog, without itching and getting a rash.  I believe some of what I ingest is triggerieng the inflammation.  Step number one-- Cleansing my body inside and out.  I have bought all natural shampoo, laundry detergeant, etc.  For the next two weeks I will be doing a cleansing diet!!  Nothing but fresh organic raw fruits and uncooked vegetables.  Cooked green, yellow and orange veggies. Sweet potatoes, Brown rice and only water.  Vitamin B12 and D!!  I will let you know how I feelll!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Well, ive never been one to write my feelings down but as this disease seems to control more of my life and my nieces I have felt the need to TALK!!

When first diagnosed with Lupus I convinced myself, ill just be careful and life will go on normally.  WELL, not so fast.  The thing is I am really on the lower end of this disease and it is changing so much in my life so all I can think about is how it effects the ones who are dealing with the harder issues associated with this disease. 

Let me start by saying, this week has sucked!!!  I have said several times this week THANK you Zoloft and GOD!  My faith has helped me a lot, because stressing out just makes it worse.  Its a weird day when the way you think about a lot of things in your life you have to change.  For example, if you were told you can not get in the sun anymore what yould you think? At first, no problem!  Really, my ideas of relaxing times and vacations revolve around the sun!!  No beaches, no picnics, no outdoor walks or runs, no hiking, no waterparks, no pool, no playing outside with my babies, etc.  How about no more cruises or no more vacations by a beach!!  Yep it sucks!!  And that is my realization this week.  Had my worst flare up this week, had to take steroids for the first time!!  My body feels jittery and not in control, my head hurts, but no flare up!!  So today is a new taking it easy, then starting a list of changes I will be doing in my life to counteract this stuff.  You have to be proactive in your health!!!  Im learning that hard lesson!!  Thanks for reading!!  More stuff to come!!